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Protest Initiator Sailing Number: GBR 4321
Protest Status
To be filled by the jury
Initiator Fields
Initiator Sailing Number
Respondent Sailing Number *
Initiator Phone Number
Protestor Boat Name
Respondent Boat Name
Protest Time and date
Protest by boat against boat
Protest by race committee against boat
Protest by protest committee against boat
Request for redress by boat or race committee
Consideration of redress by protest committee
Request by boat or race committee to reopen hearing
Consideration of reopening by protest committee
Protestor Representation
Protestor email
Date and time of incident
Place of incident
Broken rules according to protestor
Boat USA 7717 broke rule 18.1 on the rounding of the first upwind mark
Present Witnesses according to protestor
Dino Tabordi - ITA 9112
By hailing
Words used
By displaying a red flag
By informing in some other way
Give Details
Procedural Matters
USA 7717 arrived at the first mark on port tack, outside the zone and forced me to alter my course before it completed his tack. There was no contact between the boats
Uploaded Document
There was not an uploaded doc
Jury Fields
Local Protest number
Heard together with
Withdrawal Request
Withdrawal Sign
Withdrawal Permitted
Protest Time Limit
Within Time Limit
Time Limit extended
Protest, or party redress by
Other party or boat considered for redress
No Objection about interested party
Written protest or request identifies incident
'Protest' hailed at first reasonable opportunity
No hail neeeded; protestee informed at first reasonable opportunity
Red flag conspicuously displayed at first reasonable opportunity
Protest Validation
Protest or request valid; hearing will continue
Protest or request invalid; hearing is closed
Facts found
Diagram of boat is endorsed by committee
Committee's diagram is attached
Applicable Rules
Short Decision
Audience Location
Boat(s) is/are disqualified
from races
Penalized as follows
Given as follows
Redress at
Request to reopen a hearing
Present Juries
Signed By
Signing Date