Director Elizabeth Little enjoying a socially distant lunch with Kenny Lee (taking the photo) and Staff Commodore Theresa Brandner seated nearby
Last Friday, our club opened for outdoor dining and you better believe my partner Kenny and I were committed to being some of the first in line. Not only have I missed my home away from home, but I am intimately familiar with the care and effort of our staff and the Board of Directors that has gone into making this reopen possible. Like so many of you, I could hardly wait to be back.
As we approached the front door, it was evident the staff had worked diligently to prepare the club for this new experience. The clubhouse looks fantastic! The wood and brass are polished, the electronic message board displays a welcoming note and the elevator has been refurbished (who knew an elevator could look so nice!).
We were greeted by our beloved staff who we missed so much, including Andy, Nehemiah, Noel, Jennifer, Gail, Michael, Carson, Alfred and others. Even behind our masks, it was clear everyone was smiling.
Good news: the view is still awesome. It was a classic San Francisco summer day, a mix of sun and fog with a crisp breeze, and we were elated to be there, even when a gust whipped through and swept away a few leaves of lettuce! That sense of elation was shared by everyone around us who was seated in a combination of solo tables or with family. We learned quickly that “camaraderie” is a sense that can be achieved fully, even when socially distanced.
We had missed club menu favorites—a classic Bloody Mary, Acme bread, fresh-shucked oysters and delectable crab cakes (which we now know how to make thanks to Chef’s Zoom presentation. Turns out the key is to just add butter!).
Notably, I was reassured and impressed by how clean and safe everything was. There were disinfecting stations, plexiglass barriers at the host stands, clear signage, simple waivers, immaculately clean washrooms and everyone was properly distanced and wearing masks.
Throughout the weekend, I enjoyed texts and social media updates from other friends who were similarly enjoying their first trip back to the club. The reports were the same across the board: we are so glad to be back!
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